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Comics to Games: Great Adaptations, at GDC 2024 Narrative Summit

Screen shot of panel info from the GDC web site: "Game Narrative Summit: Comics to Games: Great Adaptations Jill Murray (Creative Director, Discoglobe Interactive) Evan Narcisse (Senior Writer, Brass Lion Entertainment) Kim Belair (CEO, Sweet Baby Inc) Son M. (Creative Director, Narrative Designer, Perfect Garbage Studios) Mike Rogers (Creative Director, Franchise, Skybound Entertainment) Pass Type: All Access Pass, Summits Pass - Get your pass now! Topic: Game Narrative Format: Session Action-oriented, visual, collaborative, and multi-disciplinary, comics and games are natural allies, and adaptations of comic book IPs into video games multiply every year. In 5 bite-size, nutritious microtalks, a panel of pros from both disciplines gather to share practical tips and knowledge to inspire, and inform game devs of all stripes about: Adapting a comic book IP into a game, from conception to release. "The canon" and how to approach it-- especially when dealing with marginalized characters whose portrayal must evolve even while the "rules" don't. What publishers and licensors need from story teams, and what makes the best IP collaborations work Techniques comics can lend to making better games How to build indie game stories from the ground up, so they have the potential to be adapted into other forms"

We’re thrilled to announce Comics to Games: Great Adaptations the session we’re leading with four fantastic game devs who work across comics and video game genres– Evan Narcisse, Kim Belair, Son M. and Mike Rogers. Click through for more info and panelist links. We’ll update when final scheduling is announced.